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Three main points for fabrication steel structure factory building

At present, many large venues and large factory buildings have begun to use steel structures. Because the construction of steel structure buildings is faster and the production cost is also lower, and it is also more environmentally friendly. So what are the main points of construction a steel structure factory building?

Facade Design

Steel structure buildings mainly have the following four characteristics: scale, line, color and change. In general, the colored profiled steel plate makes the building of the steel structure factory building appear light and colorful. Compared with the heavy and single traditional reinforced concrete structure, its advantages are very significant. The façade of the factory building mainly depends on the construction technology. On the premise of meeting the basic requirements of the technology, the façade should be as concise and magnificent as possible, while keeping the nodes as simple and unified as possible. In the design of light steel workshops, jumping colors and cool tones are often boldly used, emphasizing the main entrances and exits, outer gutters, edge flooding and other places, which can not only express the simple atmosphere of modern workshops, but also enrich the atmosphere. facade effect.

steel structure factory building

Anti-rust Treatment

Corrosion will not only reduce the cross section of the component, but also cause local rust pits on the surface of the steel component. When the component is stressed, the phenomenon of stress concentration will appear, so that the structure will fail prematurely. If its surface is directly exposed to the atmosphere, it will rust. When there are corrosive media in the environment of the steel structure workshop or the steel structure is in a humid environment for a long time, the corrosion of the steel will be more serious. Therefore, the problem of anti-corrosion of components must be paid enough attention.

Temperature Expansion Joint Settings

Changes in temperature will also cause deformation of steel, and the structure will generate stress due to temperature changes. When the plane span of the steel structure factory building is relatively large, in order to avoid more temperature stress, it is necessary to install temperature expansion joints in the vertical and horizontal directions of the factory building. In addition, the length of the section can also be implemented according to the corresponding specification.

The above are the three main points of steel structure factory building. We need to pay attention to some of these points when building, so that the steel structure building can be more beautiful and stable.

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