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Super high rise steel structure building

Steel structure buildings have become a new development direction for multi- and high rise buildings, bringing a deep revolution to the construction industry. Among them, what are the advantages of super high rise steel structure buildings? The following is an introduction to the content of super high rise steel structure buildings for reference.

As an important symbol of building modernization development, steel structure building has the following advantages compared with other structures:

1. Light weight and high strength

Compared with other building materials such as concrete and masonry, steel has much higher strength, stiffness and toughness. Therefore, steel structural components are small in size and light in structural weight, and are especially suitable for large-span and super high-rise space structures. Under the same force, the self-weight of the steel structure building is about 30% lighter than that of the traditional concrete building, and the load of the foundation is also reduced accordingly. The section of the foundation raft and foundation beam is reduced, and the amount of foundation concrete and steel bars is reduced, which provides convenience for foundation design and saves foundation engineering investment. Especially for soft soil areas, the geological conditions are poor, and the cost of foundation treatment is high. If steel structure buildings are used, the cost of foundation treatment can be greatly reduced, and the total investment of the project will also be greatly reduced.

high rise steel structure building

2. Superior structural performance

In terms of structural performance, the most significant difference between steel structures and concrete structures is their superior seismic performance. Seismic performance is an important factor affecting the development of a structural system. The seismic capacity of steel structures has significant advantages over concrete structures. In particular, the structural form of the steel frame-core tube has the characteristics of high lateral stiffness and strong resistance to horizontal loads of the concrete structure, as well as the characteristics of light weight and good ductility of the steel structure, which can significantly reduce the load of the foundation and the earthquake. It can better consume seismic energy and has high structural safety.

3. Short construction period

High degree of industrialization, in line with the requirements of construction industrialization. Steel structural components are generally manufactured and processed in factories, assembled and installed on site, and their industrialization degree and structural on-site construction assembly degree are high, and construction mechanization degree is high. It is conducive to the realization of standardization, componentization, industrialization of production, and can save materials and reduce costs. At the same time, the use of steel structure system can provide larger space and spacious construction work surface for construction, save construction site, especially suitable for construction operations in dense urban buildings. For example, for the steel frame-core tube structure system, the steel column generally takes several layers as a processing segment and is hoisted at one time on site. The installation of steel beams, the pouring of the concrete core tube and the construction of the floor cover can realize cross operation, the construction speed is fast, and the construction period is short.

The steel structure construction is more convenient, the construction measures such as vertical transportation and formwork are less expensive, and the construction speed is fast. This advantage of the steel structure system can effectively shorten the capital occupation period, make the building put into use in advance, shorten the loan repayment time, reduce the loan interest, increase the rental income, and greatly improve the investment efficiency, making it a key factor in promoting the modernization of the construction industry in my country. Ideal building system.

4. The quality of the steel structure is easy to guarantee

The steel structural components are processed in the factory with high processing precision. It only needs to be installed in place on site, reducing the amount of construction work on site. It not only reduces the labor intensity of workers, but also easily guarantees the quality of engineering construction.

super high rise steel structure building

5. Flexible layout and high space utilization

The steel structure building can reasonably arrange functional partitions, not stick to the traditional building partition design, combined with the characteristics of high strength and light weight of the steel structure, with the steel skeleton as the supporting structure, all structural columns and supports can be evenly arranged in auxiliary spaces and households The layout of the column network in the large bay allows flexible division of the building plane, which not only provides the architect with room for manoeuvre in design, but also makes it possible to live in. Users can re-divide it according to their own preferences and uses, forming an open building. Due to the small size of the steel structure components, the total space occupied is small, which can greatly increase the effective use space of the building. According to statistics, the steel structure of high-rise buildings increases the effective use area by about 3% to 6% compared with the concrete structure, which is a bright spot that developers can promote in sales and can obtain higher economic benefits.

6, pipeline layout is convenient

In many public buildings, because the equipment pipelines occupy a certain clear height, the floor height has to be increased, resulting in an increase in the construction cost. In steel structure buildings, the holes and cavities in the structural section space can be used, or the steel beams can be opened within a certain range to solve this problem. For example, according to the arrangement of the equipment, the steel beam can have holes in the web during the processing in the factory. In this way, the layout of the pipeline is more flexible and free, and the later replacement and repair are more convenient. The most important thing is to save the clear height and avoid many problems caused by the increase of height.

7. Energy saving and environmental protection

Meet the requirements of sustainable development. The steel structure building is green and environmentally friendly. It is a new type of building that saves energy, land, water and materials, and conforms to the concept of sustainable development in my country. The traditional reinforced concrete structure consumes a lot of cement, sand and stones, these raw materials not only bring serious environmental pollution problems, but also a considerable part of the raw materials are non-renewable resources. Steel is an eco-environmental material that meets modern environmental standards and is the easiest material to recycle. The composite floor slab and light wall panel are used together with the steel structure, which can better meet the requirements of building energy conservation. At the same time, the construction site has less noise, dust and construction waste, and the social benefits are significant.

8. The value of steel after dismantling

It is assumed that the demolition of steel structures is easier to implement than conventional reinforced concrete structures by the time the supertall building's life cycle is complete. Moreover, the dismantled steel components can be used directly, or processed and smelted to form new products that can be reused, which meets the requirements of economic cycles. Therefore, the development and application of new technologies such as energy conservation, environmental protection, and waste utilization with the development of steel structure building technology is the only way for the construction industry to implement the scientific concept of development.

steel structure building

9. Reduce the basic cost

Compared with the traditional reinforced concrete structure, the weight is lower, which will reduce the foundation cost.

10. Reduce the vertical deformation difference between the outer column of the structure and the core tube

Under the action of vertical load, due to the difference in stress level and vertical stiffness between the outer column and the core tube of the structure, there will be a difference in vertical deformation. The steel structure system can eliminate the beam end bending moment caused by the deformation difference by firstly hinged and then consolidated the steel beam. The traditional reinforced concrete structure is difficult to eliminate the bending moment, resulting in large beam end reinforcement, and part of the vertical load is transmitted from the peripheral column to the core tube, so that the core tube bears a large internal force, and the axial compression ratio is too large.

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