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Which buildings will be constructed with steel structures?

With the continuous development of steel structures, more and more people will use steel structures as buildings. The steel structure has a very good durability, it can be used for a very long time, and it does not generate construction waste, and it can be reused. So which buildings will use steel structures?

steel structure

1. Factory buildings, steel structures are used in some heavy factory buildings. Such as steel workshops, shipyards, heavy machinery plants, etc.

steel structure factory building

Factory Building

2. In chemical factories, steel structures with good shockproof effects are very common.

chemical factory steel structures

Chemical Factory

3. In places with relatively large spans, such as hangars, theaters, exhibition halls, etc.

steel structure hangar

Hangar Building

4. It is very common in buildings, whether it is one-story, multi-story or high-rise buildings, it can be used in the end.

high rise steel building

High Rise Building

5. It is also very long for some tower structures with relatively high structures, such as TV towers.

6. Residential areas, such as villas, buildings, etc.

Basketball Gym

Basketball Gym

7. In a relatively special structure.

The steel structures has a wide range of uses and the effect is very good. It can gradually replace concrete buildings in the future.

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