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What are the main problems in developing steel structure residence?

As the steel structure building adopts the beam column system, it has changed the structural form of the traditional brick concrete and concrete residence bearing by the wall, and the space is transparent, which can increase the use area of the traditional residence by 6%~8%. In addition, users can flexibly separate the space according to the design and use requirements. The house type is flexible and variable, and the span is large. The house does not need to set a load-bearing interior wall, which can achieve "one family with multiple types". It can be re divided and adjusted according to the changes of the situation, so as to better meet the diversified housing needs of residents.

However, the proportion of steel structure residence buildings is far less than 1% in the large and wide range of residential buildings, which is far from the average level of 20%~30% in developed countries. Especially in the areas with high seismic fortification intensity, the pilot application of steel structure residence should be accelerated and popularized when the time is ripe.

steel structure residence

The bottleneck problems that affect the development of steel structure, especially steel structure residence, mainly include the following aspects:

High construction cost of steel structure buildings

According to the survey, the cost of steel structure is different from that of traditional concrete structure due to different structural forms and regions. On the whole, the cost of steel structure residence is 20%~30% higher than that of traditional steel concrete structure residence. The high cost of steel structure construction affects the construction unit's choice of steel structure scheme.

Staff and technical level need to be improved

For a long time, reinforced concrete structure has been the main body of the building structure, so there is a shortage of technicians, especially designers, engaged in steel structure engineering. Architects are unfamiliar with steel structure buildings, and they are not applicable to design. According to incomplete estimation, less than 5% of the designers are experienced in steel structure design. Compared with developed countries, the gap is very obvious.

steel structure building

The positioning of steel structure industry is marginalized and lacks unified management

The steel structure industry is not a separate industry category in the industrial port. For a long time, the steel structure industry has been distributed in several major categories of the national economic industry classification, namely metal products industry, civil engineering construction industry, general machinery manufacturing industry, transportation equipment manufacturing industry, power industry, communication equipment manufacturing industry, etc. Due to the large number of industries involved, there are unreasonable and unsmooth problems in the policy, tax and market access of steel structure, which restrict the development of the industry.

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